6:30 PM18:30


  • Rose Hall, Kimberton Hills, Camphill Village (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The most common question I get as a Eurythmy Therapist is: “What is eurythmy? How does it work as a therapy?”

Even for the parents who have children attending Waldorf schools where their children are receiving eurythmy lessons. Many have only heard the name “Eurythmy” but don’t really understand what it is.

Rudolf Steiner and Ita Wegman introduced this wonderful art form of Eurythmy/Eurythmy therapy to the world. In this gathering, we’ll talk about what Eurythmy/eurythmy therapy is, and how it can be applied to maintain our well-being. I will also introduce some hygienic exercises one can use to support emotional breakdown, panic attack, seizure onsets, or simply calming a child with a temper tantrum.

Join us to discover Eurythmy with Julian Shu-Yen Liu and learn practical exercises for ourselves and our loved ones.

Julian’s Bio: https://www.carahmedicalarts.org/julian-liu


Carah members - FREE

Non members - donation based-contribution ($20/sliding scale based on need)

*Contributions go to Camphill Village Kimberton Hills

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6:30 PM18:30

“How Do We Get Better at Looking at Nature to See More Fully What is Before Us?” With Rudiger Janisch

  • Rose Hall Kimberton Hills, Camphill Village (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The evening is a warm invitation to explore the kingdoms of nature with possible surprises about what we think we know.  As human beings, how do we find ourselves connected with this world?

Bio:  Rüdiger Janisch has been working in Curative Education and teaching in professional training programs in Germany and the United States for over 40 years.  His contributions to adult education methods were recognized in an international research project sponsored by the European Union. He has also taught as an adjunct faculty member of the M.S. Ed program in Waldorf Remedial Education at Antioch University, NH.


Carah members - FREE

Non members - donation based-contribution ($20/sliding scale based on need)

*Contributions go to Camphill Village Kimberton Hills

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6:30 PM18:30

Creating Life-Enhancing Spaces with Susan Moss and Kelly Beekman

  • Rose Hall, Kimberton Hills, Camphill Village (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Consciousness and love given to the spaces we spend time in can promote our overall well-being. How aware are we of how our homes, schools and work spaces affect our breathing, nervous responses and digestion? Join us as we consider how color, space, light, and gesture affect us individually and socially through creating positive human living spaces.

Susan Moss RN, ANS (Anthroposophic Nurse Specialist) was born in Cleveland, Ohio. She received her nursing degree from Excelsior University. She is certified in Anthroposophic Nursing and Rhythmical Einreibung via the International Forum for Anthroposophic Nursing. She is a teacher for NAANA (North American Anthroposophic Nurses Association) and past co-director of NAANA’s Foundation Course in Anthroposophic Nursing.

Kelly Beekman is an artist and educator working out of the impulses of Anthroposophy and Waldorf Education. She has worked as a school administrator, classroom teacher, teacher trainer, tutor, mentor, and workshop leader. Her artistic work includes investigations into the healing power of color and understanding the forces behind the processes of creation. Kelly studied photography, painting, and art history, completed a certificate in Art Education, and received her MEd in both Elementary and Waldorf Education.


Carah members - FREE

Non members - donation based-contribution ($20/sliding scale based on need)

*Contributions go to Camphill Village Kimberton Hills

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10:00 AM10:00

“External Applications for Home Use” with Susan Moss, RN, ANS

Join us to learn the “how and why” for using home compress treatments.  So many ailments can be treated this way!  This class will give you the confidence to work with these treatments with your loved ones, be it a child, teen, another adult, or yourself. 

Susan will explain the essential details needed to understand the supplies needed, what cloths and layers are used for various treatments, as well as teach several different types of therapeutic applications for different situations. Wear clothing that will allow substance on them if it occurs, and bring a large, long, towel to serve as a wrap.

The class will be held at Carah and is limited to 12 participants.  If you sign up but are unable to attend, please update your registration to help us plan for the class and to accommodate others that may want to join.  

Register Here: https://www.punchbowl.com/parties/522a978a3d4a0b348329

Susan Moss RN, ANS (Anthroposophic Nurse Specialist) was born in Cleveland, Ohio. She received her nursing degree from Excelsior University. She is certified in Anthroposophic Nursing and Rhythmical Einreibung via the International Forum for Anthroposophic Nursing. She is a teacher for NAANA (North American Anthroposophic Nurses Association) and past co-director of NAANA’s Foundation Course in Anthroposophic Nursing.


Carah members - FREE

Non members - donation based-contribution ($20/sliding scale based on need)

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3:30 PM15:30

Building with the Earth: Meaningful Living Inspired by Nature's Wisdom with Dani Mouawad, M.D.

  • Rose Hall, Kimberton Hills, Camphill Village (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

How can we deepen our relationship to nature and spirit through healing spaces? Dr. Mouawad will tell Ecoheal’s story of the gradual retreat toward voluntary simplicity using nature’s wisdom to build healthy living spaces through beauty and resiliency. (Part one of two)

Carah members - FREE

Non -members - donation-based contribution (suggested $20/sliding scale based on need)

*Contributions go to support this initiative

Dani Mouawad, MD is a pediatrician, anthroposophist and integrative medicine physician inspired by how the natural world shapes human consciousness. Dr. Mouawad has embarked on an experiment with natural healing spaces for over a decade. He built the first commercial earthen building approved by code official in the states. Thanks to his creativity and determination he has made natural building a reachable reality for all. Among his inventions are the Earthen Forming System (EFS) and Monolithic Engineered Earthen Masonry (MEEM) that made earthen building an affordable, beautiful, doable and durable reality for all.

“Our earthen building design method reduces labor, time, and the need for specialized skills by using nature’s designs as our blueprint. Our approach will bring hope to individuals, communities, and organizations seeking affordable, health-promoting, energy efficient, durable buildings in the midst of our growing ecological and financial crisis.”

See more here: www.ecoheal.org

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6:30 PM18:30

“Caring for our Senses Through Artistic Activity” with Else Wolf, anthroposophic art therapist

  • Rose Hall, Kimberton Hills, Camphill Village (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As most of our lives are filled with too much screen time, we may notice the effects this has on us. We tend to be overwhelmed and irritated by too many images and information. One aspect is the impact on our senses. We try unconsciously to block things out to protect ourselves. We may get too hypersensitive or rather dulled. Instead of letting our senses become gateways to a greater knowing, we blunt them in this situation of overload. Can artistic activity offer anything to this situation?

I would like to join the Carah team and offer some simple activities in order to explore color. Hopefully our senses may learn to enter into a more living experience. You don’t need to have any artistic training or Waldorf background to come to this.

Bio –

Else Wolf, born in Germany, has spent most of her 73 years in Camphill, working and living with children who have intellectual disabilities. Being a jack-of all-trades, it meant being a house parent (as well as raising her own children), a teacher of children as well as adults, and more recently (after training at the Tobias School in England) as art therapist, always doing all sorts of things on the side like puppet shows, plays, festivals.


Carah members - free

Non-members - donation based contribution (suggested $20/sliding scale based on need)

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6:30 PM18:30

“How Can Anthroposophic Nursing Therapies Support Health in a Technology-Filled World?” with Susan Moss, R.N., A.N.S

  • Rose Hall, Kimberton Hills, Camphill Village (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Anthroposophic medicine and nursing are inherently artistic healing approaches. As practitioners we utilize a process of assessment and listening that is individualized, free and artistic. This allows each person to be seen in a clear and conscious way and for the practitioner to identify needs along with the patient. We will observe a person receiving a treatment and then together we will review it’s therapeutic process. 


Carah members - free

Non-members - donation based contribution (suggested $20/sliding scale based on need)

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6:30 PM18:30

Nurturing and Protecting Our Senses with Raphael Knauf, M.D.

  • Rose Hall, Kimberton Hills Camphill Village (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Technology is an ever-increasing part of our lives and brings benefits and challenges. In this evening, we will look at some of these with regards to our children’s health.


Carah members - free

Non-members - donation based contribution (suggested $20/sliding scale based on need)

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6:30 PM18:30

Aging As Transformation

  • Rose Hall, Camphill Village Kimberton Hills (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What is happening as our physical body changes? What is shifting within ourselves during this process? We will look at the positive aspects of aging and experience a supportive nursing application.

Susan's bio: https://www.carahmedicalarts.org/susan-moss



Carah members – free

Non-members – donation-based contribution (suggested $20/sliding scale based on need)

*Proceeds go to Camphill Village Kimberton Hills

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6:30 PM18:30

"Upholding Our Vitality" with Christine Huston

  • Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, Rose Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Aging: with any luck, we all get to do it.  How can we enter into this process gracefully and gratefully, caring for ourselves in body, soul, and spirit? Some ideas and tools for keeping our spirits from sagging, our energy from flagging, even while we notice (and honor) the changes we're experiencing.  

For fifteen years, Christine Huston has been providing anthroposophic soul care to individuals and couples in their quests for meaning, wholeness, and enthusiasm for life, out of the knowledge of the human being gifted to us through anthroposophy.  Along with trainings in Gestalt Therapy, life coaching, and trauma pedagogy, she carries a teaching degree and earned 3 different certifications in Anthroposphic Psychology conferred by the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology for which she adjunct faculty, board member and C.O.O. 

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6:30 PM18:30

"External Applications for Stress & Anxiety" with Susan Moss, RN, ANS, RE

  • Kimberton Hills, Camphill Village, Rose Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will continue with the theme of Stress and Anxiety, using external applications on the body. This time of the year can be more stressful than usual for some! External applications are therapeutic interventions given to (Rhythmical Einreibung) or placed on the body (compress) over the skin. Various substances can be used, such as a tea, cream, ointment, or oil. Please bring a sleeping bag to lie down with, a small pillow if you wish, and a towel.

Susan's bio: https://www.carahmedicalarts.org/susan-moss

Directions to Rose Hall: Turn into the main Camphill Village Kimberton Hills entrance on Pughtown Road. Proceed up the driveway, past the large stone house on the left, following the drive past the solar-paneled garage to the Café, the next low building on the left.  Parking is available just past the Café in front of the Hall. Rose Hall is the large building to the right of the Café. 


Carah members - FREE

Non -members - donation-based contribution (suggested $20/sliding scale based on need)

*Contributions go to Camphill Village Kimberton Hills

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6:30 PM18:30

“Fostering Resilience: Eurythmy for Children’s Stress & Anxiety” with Rebecca Renold, Therapeutic Eurythmist

  • Kimberton Hills Camphill Village, Rose Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Today, stress and anxiety experiences by young children are increasingly prevalent.  What are the causes and what can we do to help support the care for children?

We are bombarded daily with news, information, and stories unsettling to human beings.  This takes a great toll on the young child as they try to find their way into the world, causing stress and anxiety.  Eurythmy therapy is a movement therapy that works closely with anthroposophic medicine.  Therapeutic eurythmy works with gestures and sounds which strive to bring the child into stability, giving protection and inner calm, in order to face the outside world in a healthy manner. 

This class strives to bring a deeper understanding for parents, teachers, and friends who would like to help children in their care. Eurythmy exercises will be brought by Rebecca for use to help children at home. 

These exercises hope to bring a better breathing rhythm, balance, and health to the young child dealing with stress and anxiety. 

Rebecca’s bio: https://www.carahmedicalarts.org/rebecca-renold


Carah members – free

Non-members – donation-based contribution (suggested $20/sliding scale based on need)

*Proceeds go to Camphill Village Kimberton Hills

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8:30 AM08:30

All Day Therapeutic Intensive Offering

Carah Medical Arts is pleased to offer a special, all-day healing intensive available to the Carah membership community on October 7th. Space is limited to 3 people, but if there is greater demand we will offer additional times in the future. This day includes a series of therapeutic treatments within a tranquil, restful, and contemplative environment.

*If you are interested*, please begin by contacting us through the nurse, nurse@carahmedicalarts.org.

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6:30 PM18:30

Addressing Stress & Anxiety Through Eurythmy with Gillian Schoemaker

  • Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, Rose Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In today's changing world so many suffer from stress, and anxiety, and at times, panicky feelings. Left untreated, they can lead to significant soul and bodily illness and distress.

Eurythmy can significantly alleviate and encourage our abilities to handle our reactions to things, and promote a sense of serenity and confidence amidst chaos.

Gillian Schoemaker will teach us some simple exercises to practice at home to address these issues in adults.

If symptoms persist there is always the possibility for individual sessions with one of the Eurythmy therapists at Carah. 

Register here: https://www.punchbowl.com/parties/d3c200922a45198e9b53

Gillian’s bio: https://www.carahmedicalarts.org/gillian-schoemaker


Carah Members- FREE

Non-members- donation based contribution (suggested $20/sliding scale based on need)

Proceeds go to Camphill Village Kimberton Hills

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6:30 PM18:30

Attentiveness to the Wonders of Nature and the Human World with Rüdiger Janisch

  • Rose Hall at Camphill Village Kimberton Hills (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Let’s embark on a little exploration into the world which we have begun to not notice anymore as we are so busy on the screens!

What can we discover when we look with an open mind at animals, plants, stones, and landscapes? Do we find something of our human nature unfolded in these kingdoms of nature? Do they belong to us, are we connected to them?

Bio:  Rüdiger Janisch has been working in Curative Education and teaching in professional training programs in Germany and the United States for over 40 years.  His contributions to adult education methods were recognized in an international research project sponsored by the European Union. He has also taught as an adjunct faculty member of the M.S. Ed program in Waldorf Remedial Education at Antioch University, NH.

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6:30 PM18:30

External Compresses for Health & Vitality with Susan Moss RN, ANS

  • Rose Hall at Camphill Village Kimberton Hills (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

"External Compresses for Health & Vitality"

Learn how external applications can help the immune functions and therefore contribute to health maintenance. Join us in an experience and learn to do an at home application.

Register here: www.punchbowl.com/parties/e430927759f083ce2372

Bio:  Susan Moss RN, ANS https://www.carahmedicalarts.org/susan-moss


 Carah Members- FREE 

Non-Members- donation based contribution (suggested $20/sliding scale based on need) 

We recommend watching this video by Dr. Jeff Green on a four-fold way of seeing as a review and new perspective of what has been shared in previous talks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqhRAYRumrQ

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6:30 PM18:30

"What is Holistic Immunity?" with Melissa Greer, D.O. and Gillian Schoemaker

  • Camphhill Village, Kimberton Hills, Rose Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All of life is a process of forming, moving and dissolving. We are at all times building who we are on all levels- forming ourselves, shifting/growing and dissolving again. A wonderful question to ask oneself is, "What forms am I making in my life?" 

Join us in considering these questions together as well as experience eurythmy together with new eyes.  

A wonderful change which came from the pandemic is that people are awakening to deeper questions of what health actually is. Many have learned that just stopping inflammatory processes and calling it health is near sighted. Many have awakened to the fact that self participation in health is of utmost importance! Also many have realized that old approaches like supplementing (taking zinc and other vitamins, etc.) for health has its limits. 

In fact this way of treating the body through automatic daily supplementation is similar to fertilizing a field in conventional farming! This way of looking is the same kind of reductionist thinking which we are so accustomed to and try to move away from in organic agriculture. Why do we keep these approaches for how we treat our own bodies? How can we grow beyond this, become more sensitive to what is truly needed and participate in building new forms for ourselves like a rich soil?

There is much to say and consider on this topic! We will touch upon a fourfold way of seeing immunity in health maintenance and diseases such as acute/chronic inflammations, autoimmune disease, allergies and cancer?

Please register if you would like to receive reminders and any pre-reading information. 

We recommend watching this video by Dr. Jeff Green on a four-fold way of seeing as a review and new perspective of what has been shared in previous talks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqhRAYRumrQ

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6:30 PM18:30

Anthroposphic Therapies for Immunity & and health with Susan Moss, R.N. A.N.S

  • Camphill Village, Kimberton Hills, Rose Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

How do Rhythmical Einreibung Massage and Therapeutic Eurythmy Strengthen Immunity and Health?

Rhythmical Einreibung works to stimulate the natural healing functions of the human being. Via skilled methods of touch and technique, it positively stimulates inherent healing forces. Please join Susan Moss for a presentation about Rhythmical Einreibung and observe a brief demonstration. Rebecca Renold, therapeutic eurythmist will join Susan to bring some therapeutic eurythmy exercises.

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6:30 PM18:30

How Can We Holistically Support Our Immune System? with Raphael Knauf, M.D.

  • Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, Rose Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

There are a lot of ideas and recommendations about supporting the immune system and staying healthy. Some of these recommendations are at times contradictory. We will explore ways to holistically understand the immune system and support it through lifestyle and related practices.

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